Thursday, February 24, 2011

Future of blogging with Hochenauer

The future of blogging is considered to currently being a  absorbed by the main stream. So theres for Mr. Hochenauer stated the most important steps for us as blogger to know. Learn content management systems photograph, audio, video,  job may expect you to know all formats, and be prepared for criticism. He stated he has received numerous  threats of violence against him, for his comments on his blog.  However he does like having his blog it gives him a chance to write regularly and he even writes for the Oklahoma Gazette because of his writing on the OKIE Funk blog.  Okie Funk  does not make any money but hi has made about 300 bucks from The Blue Oklahoma blog. His goal is to just trying to get his voice heard, his goal is to formulated ideas and opinions. He also believes that the the definition of what a journalists is in flux.
The only regret is he wishes he had stuck with blogger because it was free and open source biggest problem is spam.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

DMX Comeback?

I downloaded the mixtape by DMX titled My Last Words 2 The single from this mixtape is titled  Change Gon Come in which the original Change is going to come by Sam Cooke is sampled. X deliver a gritty hyped flow that we know X for but it just seems a little off in my opinion. I think DMX is out of practice due to his legal woes.  However I do think that DMX is on his way back.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Following HipHop Junkiez

Following HipHop Junkiez is like following the entire hiphop lifestyle it is not just music on this blog. It is not just main street hip hop it reach into the gutter to pull artist up to the main stream if that is their goal. It also has issue that pertain to hip hop like comedy and artists latest news. The best thing i like about it is that you can download underground music or mixtapes  which you can not find in Oklahoma.

AOL Buys Huffington Post

This was the first time I even heard of the Huffington Post. So I am not familiar with The Huffington. However I am familiar with the The AOL Time Warner merger and we see how that went. They divorced faster than hollywood celebs. So we will see how this business venture goes.  

Blogging With Mrs. Walker

Mrs. Walker was my blog class guest speaker for Tuesday February the 8th. She spoke on what blogging used to be and the future of blogging. Mrs. Walker stated that blogging use to be for younger people who but currently it’s getting to be the older people and journalist popularity blog relies on the creditability of the blog and the frequency of use and using social media to back up the blog blogs are self centered. Creditably Creditably Creditably Creditably and keeping the code of ethics in mind, remember the fundamentals don’t change.